We celebrated our Christmas with my mom and brother, Bryan. The kids sang 'Jingle Bells' and 'Rudolph the Red nosed Reindeer' for everyone. I found some fun light necklaces that light up and blink and got some clown noses at Hobby Lobby for Rudolph noses. Eden was Santa again this year, handing out presents for everyone... since she's the only kid that can read for now... :O) We had a crackling fire... on the TV. It was a good night.
Eddie Spaghetti with the meatball eyes. |
I don't know if Jaren is excited or prepping for a dump. |
Eden was beyond excited to get a Monster High doll. |
Finn is a happy little boy! He loves the Hulk! |
Grandma Hulk. She kind of looks like a sea turtle... :O) |
Eden doing the happy dance. |
Hulk (Jaren) beating up Ed. |
Hulk (Finn) beating up Grandma. |
Twin Hulks meeting up for a brief moment of civility and brotherly love. Soon to go on a joint smashing rampage! |
Jaren hoarding all of the crackers. One of the only things he eats. |
Eden showing Grandma the Dalmation she painted to look like her old dog, Willie. |
Eden singing a little ditty. |
My mom and I found a cute way to fold napkins online. They look like poinsettias. |
I printed off my favorite picture of Oliver during his last Christmas. A friend bought me the sweet tile saying. I little a candle in memory of Oliver so it burned during our celebration. We miss him so much. |
CHRISTMAS at Grandma and Grandpa Palmer's house...
Ed and Princess Eden |
Finn and Jaren with their new superheroes. |
Cousin Kaylee and Phineas. |
Phineas |
Kaylee |
Eden and Cousin Lydia |
Eden and Cousin Kaylee |
Lydia and Jaren are only a few months apart. They LOVE playing together! |
The kiddie table. Eden moved up to the adult table this year! |
Princess Lydia |
Kaylee |
Kaylee and Uncle Eddie. Ed just said, "Beauty and the Beast. If anyone else calls her a beast... I'll kill them." Oh, Eddie... you're so silly!!! |
Cousins: Phineas, Lydia, Jaren, Carson, Kaylee, Eden |
It seems like it was harder in the days and weeks leading up to Christmas without Oliver here. When we are together with people it helps numb the pain of having him gone. He is never far from our hearts and minds and we know he was most likely having a FAR better Christmas than we were! It was odd not getting boxes and boxes of Christmas cards for him this year. Thank you to everyone that continually prays for us to have peace. We know he is near us every day of the year and especially on holidays as I know he LOVED holidays and all of our traditions. He is in everything we think about and do. Merry Christmas, sweet boy!
Christmas 2011 |
Ollie's last Christmas. I love the sweet smile on his face! |