Sunday, September 19, 2010

Eerie resemblance

The first photo is Jaren and the second photo is Finn... can you see a resemblance?! :O)


Christi said...

Oh my gosh! I can't even tell they are different kids! WOW! Defintely cut from the same mold!

Piepee said...

absolutely. Great pictures. Looks like you all have had a great weekend lately.

meghan said...

Sure can...and they are both super cute!!

lisalisa said...

I didnt read who was who, so I went back and forth trying to figure it out. They do look alike!

Stacey, I am so sorry that you are going throught this and you are feeling so alone. I don't know what you are going through, but I do know what it is like to have people dissappear when you need them the most.

You and your family are often in my thoughts and prayers. May God bless you and carry you through this <3

Lisa said...

wow, that's hard to tell that those are two different kids!

Frisbies Forever said...

They look like they could just be one kid days apart! Incredible!