Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Learning to Give

This last 16 months have taught me a lot about myself and has given me an opportunity to really and truly see myself. I always thought I was a kind person and cared for others, but until Ollie was diagnosed and I saw complete strangers showing compassion and kindness by acts of service, I didn't realize that I didn't fully act on lots of the ideas and thoughts that I'd had. I was comfortable in my own little bubble and was kind to my friends and served them as well as my family, but rarely did I go outside of my comfort zone to reach out to others in service and kindness. I'm grateful for the opportunity to be able to do that now. To reach out to strangers and ACT on the feelings and prompting that the Holy Ghost gives. I have my own plate that is full, but I find that it helps to reach outside of myself and serve others with a kind word, a hug, or just an ear to listen. Also finding ways to serve others has helped me tremendously. I want to give back to others and do all I can with my life... so I have something to show for it. I don't want to take any more days for granted. We can ALL do SOMETHING! Anyways... sorry for the after school special type message, but it's what I feel. :O)

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