Oliver and my mom and I went to see "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2" on Tuesday night. If you haven't seen it yet, you may NOT want to read my following blog about some of the scenes. Let me start out by saying that I have not read the books, but have seen and enjoyed all of the movies up to this one. I am now going to start reading the books. We started listening to them in the van going down and back to Iowa City for Oliver's radiation treatments. I saw this one and enjoyed it as well. Oliver said it was "awesomely spectacular!!!" as we were leaving the movie.
I have to say that in each of the movies a character, often times, Dumbledore, will say something that either really makes me think and ponder or really hits home. This movie in particular made me cry more than once... resulting in Oliver elbowing me and asking me, "Are you CRYing?!" in his soft whispery voice. In the movie, near the end Harry is surrounded by his friends and parents that have all passed away. He asks them if death is painful... "Does it hurt?" Then Sirius Black said it was 'as quick as falling asleep'. This immediately makes me think of Oliver (and so many other kids that are passing away) as he asked me the same thing during the course of his radiation treatments.
The other day, he saw me crying while sitting at the computer and asked if any of the boys that also have DIPG (two boys he met in Illinois in March) had died. He then asked if he was going to die. I just told him that we all will die someday and that Heavenly Father is the only one that knows when we will die. This just kills me to have to answer a question like that. It's like someone just punched me in the gut.
There are so many moments in the movie that draw me back to what we are going through right now with Oliver. Movies get to me when the are about death and dying, funerals and such. It's hard seeing that played out in a movie, realizing that it is playing itself out for us in our real life. It's been difficult.
Anyways... it's a good film and it was one that I hoped Oliver would make it long enough to be able to see it and finish out the series. A fellow cancer mother just blogged about her daughter making it to see the movie as well. It's weird how our goals change. Whenever I see a movie trailer that I think Oliver would enjoy seeing, I pray that he makes it to that date to be able to see it. The new Spider-man comes out next year. Will he make it to see it?
He talks about Harry Potter A LOT now and is planning on being him for Halloween this October. We are currently awaiting the arrival of Harry Potter's wand (Barnes & Noble).

Ollie just HAD to have it. He googles spells and charms online and then writes them all down on a sheet of paper so he has them to memorize. I just found this online as well... Harry Potter Spells Ipod App. He makes me laugh so much sometimes.
Also.... back to the movie... I told Oliver that I think Voldemort's nose is a horcrux. It's missing and it may be hiding somewhere with part of his soul living in it.... ;o) Ollie thinks I'm a bit of a nerd and never lets me forget it! We had a fun night. Also... when we got there, Oliver surprised me and my mom with candy for the show. What a sweetheart! He is so thoughtful in that way. He also bought his little brother, Jaren, a new matchbox car and some Crabby Patty gummy candies at the store because he wasn't able to go with them. He's just a sweet kid. Always has been. :O)
I have to say that in each of the movies a character, often times, Dumbledore, will say something that either really makes me think and ponder or really hits home. This movie in particular made me cry more than once... resulting in Oliver elbowing me and asking me, "Are you CRYing?!" in his soft whispery voice. In the movie, near the end Harry is surrounded by his friends and parents that have all passed away. He asks them if death is painful... "Does it hurt?" Then Sirius Black said it was 'as quick as falling asleep'. This immediately makes me think of Oliver (and so many other kids that are passing away) as he asked me the same thing during the course of his radiation treatments.
The other day, he saw me crying while sitting at the computer and asked if any of the boys that also have DIPG (two boys he met in Illinois in March) had died. He then asked if he was going to die. I just told him that we all will die someday and that Heavenly Father is the only one that knows when we will die. This just kills me to have to answer a question like that. It's like someone just punched me in the gut.
There are so many moments in the movie that draw me back to what we are going through right now with Oliver. Movies get to me when the are about death and dying, funerals and such. It's hard seeing that played out in a movie, realizing that it is playing itself out for us in our real life. It's been difficult.
Anyways... it's a good film and it was one that I hoped Oliver would make it long enough to be able to see it and finish out the series. A fellow cancer mother just blogged about her daughter making it to see the movie as well. It's weird how our goals change. Whenever I see a movie trailer that I think Oliver would enjoy seeing, I pray that he makes it to that date to be able to see it. The new Spider-man comes out next year. Will he make it to see it?
He talks about Harry Potter A LOT now and is planning on being him for Halloween this October. We are currently awaiting the arrival of Harry Potter's wand (Barnes & Noble).
Ollie just HAD to have it. He googles spells and charms online and then writes them all down on a sheet of paper so he has them to memorize. I just found this online as well... Harry Potter Spells Ipod App. He makes me laugh so much sometimes.
Also.... back to the movie... I told Oliver that I think Voldemort's nose is a horcrux. It's missing and it may be hiding somewhere with part of his soul living in it.... ;o) Ollie thinks I'm a bit of a nerd and never lets me forget it! We had a fun night. Also... when we got there, Oliver surprised me and my mom with candy for the show. What a sweetheart! He is so thoughtful in that way. He also bought his little brother, Jaren, a new matchbox car and some Crabby Patty gummy candies at the store because he wasn't able to go with them. He's just a sweet kid. Always has been. :O)
Wow, what an amazing boy you have!
Wow! I just found your blog because you commented on Ty's blog. I read through some of it. I'm glad Ollie got to see the last (I think?)movie of the Harry Potter. I haven't followed them very much.Think they came out sometime in college. I did happen to read your blog on caring bridge vs blog. Some thoughts. I keep up with 38 pages on kids on cb/more on cp/ and www.colesfoundation. It takes a lot of time. I try to keep up with them all. I'm a prayer team member for C.O.L.E'S Prayer Team. What I like about this group is it has their own page that you can set up Oliver a page with siblings, likes, needs, and dreams etc or you can link it to an exhisting site. You can always submit urgent prayer requests, call 24 hours a day. They will send cards etc. You should really check it out. Each day different people have volunteered to read and respond to urgent prayer requests. Think it gets updated at least twice a day. I do follow blogs too but a lot of people don't know blogger as well and on cb/coles sites everytime there is an entry you are notified. So I blog myself but I'm doing cb/cp/coles notifications so I can go a week or two without looking at blogs. Another good thing about C.O.L.E'S Pages is that in the notification it gives you the journal update to read there. Ollie sounds amazing!!! He's defying the odds!!!!Take care!!!Hugs! Hope to see you as part of C.O.L.E'S Family. To make a page you will want to get to www.colespages.com I think. I have never made a page but I update for a family sometimes. P.S. I'm Sarah Gouzoules on C.O.L.E'S
He is such a sweet boy. I have 2 sons and my little boy is a lover like Ollie. It just makes your heart ache when they love so much, doesn't it? You must be so incredibly proud of him for having so many fine qualities. I pray for a miracle for Oliver every day.
I saw your/Ollie's blog while on Ethan Jostad's page, posted by a friend of yours - Kelly. Ethan is a year younger than your Ollie, and he is dying of rhabdomyosarcoma - he was dx'd in two years ago today, had clean scans for 9 months, then relapsed June 23rd. He's in the hospital, on oxygen and pain medication, and is sleeping 20+ hours a day. They don't expect darling Ethan to live more than a few days - a week or two being the most liberal. (Having lost family members to cancer, and reading what Ethan's mother writes, I would be surprised if he lasted a week - he's going into liver failure already.)
Anways...I didn't comment to tell you about Ethan - I'm sure Kelly has already. What I wrote about is a little girl who lives in Philadelphia. Her name is Gabriella (Gabby) Vogel, and she was dx'd with DIPG on June 8th. She just finished her first round of radiation - did seven treatments; they'll be doing scans in two weeks or so to see what, if anything, that did for her cancer.
Gabby is the 5 year old, blond haired, blue eyed, youngest daughter of John and Carolynn Volgel - and her parents are absolutely devastated. They are searching for any and all information they can get on DIPG, and I am sure that they would appreciate hearing from you, both for your own understanding as a parent of a child with DIPG, and the fact that you appear to be n contact with many other parents of children with DIPG.
Gabby's blog/site is getwellgabby.org - there's a way to send them an email on the site there. She also has a FB page (http://www.facebook.com/getwellgabby). Oh - and if you wished to drop by, Ethan's CaringBrdige site is http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/ethanjostad and his FB site is http://www.facebook.com/pages/Team-Ethan-Jostad/138676326210436?sk=info - normally his parents update CaringBridge more often, but with Ethan's health detiorating so quickly over a matter of two days, she's been leaving notes just on his "Team Ethan Jostad" page on FB.
Sorry for the length - I've been following Ethan's story since he relapsed, and even over a month and the distance of the US, Ethan is very dear to my heart, as is Gabby.
I hope your little Ollie is doing well - and he has great taste - I love Harry Potter, too - I saw the last 5.5 movies (.5 since they split HP7 up) right when they came out, and I stood in line at various bookstores at midnight the day they came out to get the last three books.
--Julie Ritt
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