Ollie riding his new trike bike out front

Finny hitching a ride with Jare Bear

Eden and her new self inflicted haircut. Need I say more? UGH....
She said, "You shouldn't trust me with scissors!!!" Oh, Edes...
She said, "You shouldn't trust me with scissors!!!" Oh, Edes...

Oliver is in a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle weapon phase. First, the sai. Second, the nunchuck. Third, the Katana sword. Not just any ninja sword. It has to be a Katana sword. We may be looking it up online for purchase! ;o) He was throwing his sai through the air like a javelin trying to pop the bubbles Eden was blowing. Hey... they are making their own fun... I can't complain! As long as no one 'pokes their eye out'! :O)

Finny loves chasing the bubbles

The man of many faces...

Luchador Love
Okay. So I have this unhealthy love of anything 'Nacho Libre', a hilarious movie starring Jack Black as a mexican wrestler. There have been pumpkins, Easter eggs, Christmas cutout cookies decorated in the image of Nacho. Can you imagine my sheer delight as I spot a Nacho Libre costume in the clearance bin at my nearest party store?! I had to have it for our 'Nacho Party' where we watch Nacho Libre and dine on what else........ yeah........ nachos. And, I'm pretty sure my brother will wear it for Halloween. Yeah, it was the deal of the day. Maybe of the entire year. Pure awesomeness.
Oliver as....... "Nachooooooooooooooooooooooo!"

Making Jewelry
So my mom and I have found a new crafty love.... jewelry making. I could never get her into scrap booking, but she LOVES jewelry and after a trip to the bead store and our local Hobby Lobby, we had a fun night beading together. I need a break from all the barrettes I've been making! It offers a great distraction for me so my mind doesn't wander to other things.
My mom made this for Eden. The cross is from her Great Grandma Young.

Mom's first set of earrings
LOVED this one. It's in honor of her dalmatian, Willie, she just had to put down.
Matching earrings
Bracelet for Eden. She picked the beads and I whipped this one up for her.
Birthstone Angel necklace
Brain Tumor Awareness Angel necklace
Brain tumor awareness bracelet.

More randoms
Ollie as The Mighty Thor!
A handmade blanket for Oliver
This was actually for me from a friend. I love the show 'American Pickers'. It's even signed! :O)
Oliver and his goodies from a young woman in Virginia who is also battling DIPG. Thank you, Ashlyn!

Silly boy!
Finny wrestling Oliver!
Okay.... so.... I know my makeshift TV looks like a microwave.... so just give me a break here people. :O) The kids had fun putting on a puppet show for everyone. And Finny loved trying to rip the puppets off mid show!
Hugs for Uncle Bryan!

Finny and Uncle Chaddie!
Cousin Kaylee with Jaren...
... and Eden...
... and Ollie.
Not happiness. No where near any happiness at this point and this doesn't include the heat index. Aaaahhhh lovely Iowa heat and humidity.
Love Oliver laughing... :O)
I found your blog a while back through another blog. I find myself often checking up to see how Oliver is doing. My heart goes out to your family. I can't even begin to imagine how it must feel, and how much it must test your faith. While I do not know how you must be feeling, I do know that there is so much hope and peace through the atonement of Jesus Christ-as HE does know excactly how you feel. I am so grateful for the knowledge of eternal families. While I know that does not take your pain away, I hope it gives you the strength you need to keep going every day. Hang in there! You're in my prayers, and the prayers of many others, I'm sure!
-Meredith McIlrath
P.S. Your family is adorable.
seriously love the jewelry. especially the angels and i think it was a bracelet with the word hope. you need to post some prices.
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