Thank you to everyone that sent Oliver a card for his birthday. He received over 800 at last count!!! It was fun reading all of the cards with Oliver and seeing the cards and artwork of some of the kids and adults! You guys are all so creative. It really means a lot that you would take a few minutes of your time and do this for Oliver. It wasn't just a normal birthday for him. It was one that I honestly didn't think we would see. So it means even more to me that you acknowledged him, took time to send your love and birthday wishes to him. I don't think I could thank you all enough. You can see the smiles in the photos below and know how happy it made him. So again... THANK YOU.
The local firemen stopped by on Ollie's birthday to give him a huge handmade card, poster and little gift bag! They are so nice to Oliver. They are the same ones that come pick Ollie up in the ambulance when he has asthma attacks. Such nice guys!
Some of his cards!

This card was from his 95 year old friend, Viola. They were pen pals when Ollie was in Kindergarten and she still has a necklace he made her that she treasures! :O) She got him the little shoulder buddy, too! All the residents signed it as well.
A woman stopped by that worked at the Veridian Credit Union on San Marnan with a card and bag of goodies for Oliver from the workers there. He received several cards from the workers at Veridian all over town. Thank you! Oliver showing Finny his card that plays Happy Birthday and the candles even light up! I love his smile.
He received so many cute cards that played music when you open them. I had a few videos of him dancing to some, but they wouldn't upload for some reason. Cute froggy card!

Thanks, Meg, Bella and Charley!
One of the BIGGEST cards he received! This was from Ed's former boss, Marla and her kids and possibly church friends? Ollie got some cards from her church family as well. THANKS!

A sweet puppy card from, Ashlyn. I think Ashlyn celebrates her 21st birthday at the end of the month. She is from Virginia and also has DIPG. I only know of a few older 'kids' with DIPG. She is such a cute girl and has a cat named, Oliver! :O) Please add her to your prayers!

Cards from the Waterloo Police Department.
Cards from the Cedar Falls Police Department. I bought him some plastic card sheets to store all the cards in! :O)
This is a card from Cecilia, a gal in my mom's classroom, who shares a birthday with Oliver. Last year she donated money to Oliver from her birthday. I need to get a picture of them together! She's such a cutie!

A few creative homemade cards...

From some scouts in Oregon, where my husband is originally from! :O)


Too funny!
A dream catcher. Maybe this will help with all of his nightmares.

People even got creative with the outside of the cards!

One of my favorites! Oliver as Superman flying over our city of Waterloo, Iowa!!! LOVE IT!
Unexpected packages
Cool package of goodies from Aunt Janene and Uncle Bill and the cousins from Texas! Thank you, 'Crusty Crusts'! ;o)

Package from a fellow DIPG parent. Thank you, LaNaye!
From Matt Lee and the Louisiana 159th Fighter Wing (Air National Guard). Thanks!

This was a cool card from someone in Oregon that knows my husband's family. It is pro wrestler, John Cena with Oliver's head on top! :O) When Oliver saw the card he said, "I knew I'd always look good on John Cena's body!!!" What a funny kid!

A fun card of The Incredible Hulk. I love that it's made with fingerprints! Thanks, Ezra!

A friend of mine sent me a message about a friend of hers who visits her daughter in Florida who happens to be neighbors with... John Cena! (Oliver's favorite wrestler) She said she mentioned Oliver in hopes of him getting a card from him and guess what came in the mail!? A card from John Cena and his wife along with several of their neighbors! They each signed it with sweet notes of encouragement. Thank you!

A few days after his birthday, this arrives in the mail for him! A signed photo of John Cena and two DVD's - The John Cena Experience (a documentary) and Legendary (a film he stars in). We popped in Legendary which Oliver loved! This was just beyond words to receive in the mail. Oliver was all smiles!!! Thank you soooo much! For those of you that don't know... John Cena has granted over 200 wishes for Make*A*Wish kids. What a huge heart and such a great role model for kids these days!

Wow that is pretty amazing! So much love for one little guy. Sorry ours was late! Glad so many sweet people are showing so much love.
So glad to see that Oliver had an amazing day! And super glad to see that he loved the frog card!!! That was from my family! So glad that I could be apart of the smile on his face.
Wow! Those are some pretty cool cards. I love the huge smile on Oliver's face. What a handsome guy! :)
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