The other day, my mom and brother, Bryan picked up Oliver early in the day to help set up camp for the night. Later that afternoon, I took Eden and the younger boys over to hang out for the afternoon and evening. They played on the playground and played frisbee and wiffle ball with Uncle Bryan. They played in the sand by the playground almost all night long!
Uncle Bryan found Jaren his very own wand!!

Sassy Eden - age 8
Finny LOVED the slides!

The pile up!

LOVE him smiling up at Grandma (my mom)!!

Oliver digging in the sand.
Eden, playing frisbee with Uncle Bryan, Oliver and Phineas.

Oliver laughing... Finny squatting low in order to throw the frisbee!!

Can anyone guess what Oliver is doing?!? ;o)


Me and Phineas. I love how my eyes are closed... GAH!
Bry, Oliver and myself drove to the archery range so I could see first hand how well Oliver did with his 'sweet bow huntin' skills'. DANG... that kid is GOOD! I couldn't believe how well he did. He really looks like Robin Hood... especially when he put two... TWO arrows on at one time!!! It was so fun to watch him. I also had a chance to try out my new bow, too! Not bad... not bad... er... but not too good either! There was a tower that you could climb and aim from, getting a different point of view. He did so well. I'm proud of him for trying something new and happy that he's enjoying it!

Uncle Bryan and Oliver. Notice Ollie's bulls eye!

Oliver and Bry
TWO arrows at a time!!! :O)
Uncle Bryan got one in the wooden post!

Ollie and me
After we were done shooting we walked across the street over to the river to see what we could see over there. Bry brought out a fishing rod so Oliver could try to get a few fish... just see if they would be interested in his spinner, but no bites.
Hearts to show how much I love Ollie!

We went back to the camping area and roasted hot dogs for dinner. The kids did some paint with water pages and then we ate. Later, we roasted marshmallows and made some s'mores. Originally, my mom was going to stay with Ollie and Eden overnight, but Oliver wanted to come home. He started to cry and said that he wanted to see Dad when he got home. It was such a beautiful day! It felt the summer had just started and now school is right around the corner!
Bry and Mom
Bubbling crayons on the fire.
Eden and Jaren
Bry and Phineas

Eden and Ollie
Eating marshmallows by the fire.
Nice, Jaren.... niiiiiiice.
Tired boy
It was so nice to see that you all could get away for some family fun.
I'm sure those moments are far and few between.
Oliver's story has had a profound affect on my life and your honesty is appreciated Stacy.
I think of Oliver and you daily hoping for a miracle, and an answered prayer.
Keep fighting the good fight for Oliver Stacy. You are truly a hero amongst us mothers, and I'm sure there are many HARD days Stacy...I pray for you as well <3
I love these pictures!!!
Oliver looks so happy :) Looked like a real pretty spot too.
I'm thinking of you all...praying for you all.
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