Love this face!

"No more kisses, Papa!!!"

Phineas looks a lot like Oliver in this picture. Short and stout!

Sweet giggles

Giving me kisses

"My baby!" - Oliver on the day Eden was born

Oliver and Uncle Bryan

I love his sweet face

Uncle Danny and Ollie

Ollie and Woody

Eden and Ollie on the Fourth of July. LOVE Eden's laughing face!

Eden, Ollie, Uncle Bryan and Willie - Christmas at Great Gram and Grandpa's house

I love how Eden is looking so lovingly at Oliver!

Oliver in Grandma Young's driveway

Love this one!

The four GREAT grandkids (Ollie, Eden, Kayla, Fiona)

Oliver at Eagle Point Park in Clinton, Iowa

Ollie, Daddy, Eden

Preschool graduation. He looks so proud of himself!

At the beach for the first time in California
Ollie and Eden
First time on a plane - Minneapolis
First time at Disneyland
Chad, Eden and Ollie in the igloo they all made with Uncle Dave

Crazy boy

Oliver and Eden helping with our Valentine's Day dinner

What fun pictures. He was such a cute baby!
Wow that was a walk down memory lane. I remember that one with Ollie and Eden in front of Ed's parents on the fourth. We were together when you took that!!
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