Friday, July 22, 2011

"Thank You" in Waterloo Cedar Falls Courier

I just wrote this to put into the paper since I can't possibly write enough individual thank yous for the cards and kindness Oliver has received! It should be in the Celebrations section on Sunday, August 7th. So many of you have written and not included a name or return address so I wanted to add it to my blog so that you know how appreciate we are for you and your love for our son and family. Thank you.

"We're grateful for everyone that has taken the time out of their busy lives to send our son, Oliver, cards and words of encouragement during the last 18 months. Since his brain tumor diagnosis in December 2009, each birthday and holiday become more important as we don't know if it will be his last. We are grateful for the kindness and generosity we've been shown. It helps to know that people truly care. Thank you so much.

The Palmer Family"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For ollie and his family, I pray for you that small blessings fill your days and that the cancer stays as far from your thoughts as can be. BE STRONG!!!!